If you want to migrate an existing project you need to:

  1. Go into your project’s folder:
$ cd /path/to/existingproject
  1. Login:
$ nhost login
- email: david@nhost.io
- password:
Successfully logged in, creating PAT
Successfully created PAT
Storing PAT for future user
  1. Link your project:
$ nhost link

   │                      │               │            │              │
 # │ Subdomain            │ Project       │ Workspace  │ Region       │
 1 │ lrkadqfanxgmscttabiv │ demo          │ david-yirq │ eu-central-1 │
   │                      │               │            │              │
- Select # the workspace to link: 1
- Enter project subdomain to confirm: lrkadqfanxgmscttabiv
  1. Pull the configuration from the cloud:
$ nhost config pull

- /path/to/existingproject/nhost/nhost.toml already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? [y/N] y
- /path/to/existingproject/.secrets already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? [y/N] y
Pulling config from Nhost...
Getting secrets list from Nhost...
Adding .secrets to .gitignore...
- Review `nhost/nhost.toml` and make sure there are no secrets before you commit it to git.
- Review `.secrets` file and set your development secrets
- Review `.secrets` was added to .gitignore
  1. Follow the instructions on screen to ensure your configuration contains no secrets and you don’t commit sensitive information to git.

  2. Profit:

$ nhost up

Verifying configuration...
Configuration is valid!
Setting up Nhost development environment...
Starting Nhost development environment...
[+] Running 11/11
 ✔ Network existingproject_default        Created                       0.0s
 ✔ Container existingproject-minio-1      Healthy                      13.9s
 ✔ Container existingproject-postgres-1   Healthy                      13.9s
 ✔ Container existingproject-traefik-1    Healthy                      13.9s
 ✔ Container existingproject-dashboard-1  Healthy                      13.9s
 ✔ Container existingproject-mailhog-1    Healthy                      13.9s
 ✔ Container existingproject-functions-1  Healthy                      13.9s
 ✔ Container existingproject-graphql-1    Healthy                      13.8s
 ✔ Container existingproject-console-1    Healthy                      18.8s
 ✔ Container existingproject-storage-1    Healthy                      13.8s
 ✔ Container existingproject-auth-1       Healthy                      18.8s
Applying migrations...
INFO nothing to apply on database: default
Nhost development environment started.
- Postgres:             postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres
- Hasura:               https://local.hasura.local.nhost.run
- GraphQL:              https://local.graphql.local.nhost.run
- Auth:                 https://local.auth.local.nhost.run
- Storage:              https://local.storage.local.nhost.run
- Functions:            https://local.functions.local.nhost.run
- Dashboard:            https://local.dashboard.local.nhost.run
- Mailhog:              https://local.mailhog.local.nhost.run
SDK Configuration:
 Subdomain:             local
 Region:                (empty)
Run `nhost up` to reload the development environment
Run `nhost down` to stop the development environment
Run `nhost logs` to watch the logs