

isUploading required Ref<boolean>

Returns true when the file is being uploaded.

progress required Ref<null | number>

Returns the progress of the upload, from 0 to 100. Returns null if the upload has not started yet.

isUploaded required Ref<boolean>

Returns true when the file has been successfully uploaded.

id optional Ref<undefined | string>

Returns the id of the file.

bucketId optional Ref<undefined | string>

Returns the bucket id.

name optional Ref<undefined | string>

Returns the name of the file.

isError required Ref<boolean>


true if an error occurred


use !isSuccess or !!error instead

error required Ref<null | StorageErrorPayload>

Provides details about the error

add required (params: StorageUploadFileParams) => void

upload required (params: Partial<StorageUploadFileParams>) => Promise<UploadFileHandlerResult>

cancel required () => void