No description provided.
isUploading required Ref<boolean>
Returns true
when the files are being uploaded.
progress required Ref<null | number>
Returns the overall progress of the upload, from 0 to 100. Returns null if the upload has not started yet.
files required Ref<Array<ActorRefWithDeprecatedState<FileUploadContext, { type: “ADD”, file: File, id: string, bucketId: string, name: string } | { type: “UPLOAD”, file: File, id: string, name: string, bucketId: string } & FileUploadConfig | { type: “UPLOAD_PROGRESS”, progress: number, loaded: number, additions: number } | { type: “UPLOAD_DONE”, id: string, bucketId: string } | { type: “UPLOAD_ERROR”, error: StorageErrorPayload } | { type: “CANCEL” } | { type: “DESTROY” }, { value: any, context: FileUploadContext }, ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: “ADD”, file: File, id: string, bucketId: string, name: string } | { type: “UPLOAD”, file: File, id: string, name: string, bucketId: string } & FileUploadConfig | { type: “UPLOAD_PROGRESS”, progress: number, loaded: number, additions: number } | { type: “UPLOAD_DONE”, id: string, bucketId: string } | { type: “UPLOAD_ERROR”, error: StorageErrorPayload } | { type: “CANCEL” } | { type: “DESTROY” }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>>>
The list of file uploads. The properties can be accessed through item.getSnapshot()
of with the useFileUploadItem
isError required Ref<boolean>
Returns true
when all upload request are processed, but at least one of them has failed.
errors required Ref<Array<ActorRefWithDeprecatedState<FileUploadContext, { type: “ADD”, file: File, id: string, bucketId: string, name: string } | { type: “UPLOAD”, file: File, id: string, name: string, bucketId: string } & FileUploadConfig | { type: “UPLOAD_PROGRESS”, progress: number, loaded: number, additions: number } | { type: “UPLOAD_DONE”, id: string, bucketId: string } | { type: “UPLOAD_ERROR”, error: StorageErrorPayload } | { type: “CANCEL” } | { type: “DESTROY” }, { value: any, context: FileUploadContext }, ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: “ADD”, file: File, id: string, bucketId: string, name: string } | { type: “UPLOAD”, file: File, id: string, name: string, bucketId: string } & FileUploadConfig | { type: “UPLOAD_PROGRESS”, progress: number, loaded: number, additions: number } | { type: “UPLOAD_DONE”, id: string, bucketId: string } | { type: “UPLOAD_ERROR”, error: StorageErrorPayload } | { type: “CANCEL” } | { type: “DESTROY” }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>>>
Returns the list of file uploads that have failed
isUploaded required Ref<boolean>
Returns true
when all the files have been successfully uploaded.
add required (params: Required<Pick<UploadMultipleFilesActionParams, “files”>> & UploadMultipleFilesActionParams) => void
upload required (params: UploadMultipleFilesActionParams) => Promise<MultipleFilesHandlerResult>
cancel required () => void
clear required () => void