No description provided.
accessToken required string
accessTokenExpiresIn required number
refreshToken required null | string
refreshTokenId optional null | string
user required User
Property | Type | Required | Notes |
user.activeMfaType | null | “totp” | ✔️ | |
user.phoneNumberVerified | boolean | ✔️ | |
user.phoneNumber | null | string | ✔️ | |
user.emailVerified | boolean | ✔️ | Is true if the user email has not been verified |
user.metadata | Record<string, unknown> | ✔️ | Additional attributes used for user information |
user.roles | Array<string> | ✔️ | The roles assigned to the user |
user.defaultRole | string | ✔️ | The default role of the user |
user.isAnonymous | boolean | ✔️ | Whether or not the user is anonymous |
user.locale | string | ✔️ | The locale of the user, as a two-characters string |
user.avatarUrl | string | ✔️ | The URL to the user’s profile picture |
user.displayName | string | ✔️ | User’s display name |
user.createdAt | string | ✔️ | The date-time when the user has been created |
user.id | string | ✔️ | User’s unique identifier (uuid) |
user.email | string | User’s email address |