

isUploading required boolean

Returns true when the files are being uploaded.

progress required null | number

Returns the overall progress of the upload, from 0 to 100. Returns null if the upload has not started yet.

files required Array<ActorRefWithDeprecatedState<FileUploadContext, { type: “ADD”, file: File, id: string, bucketId: string, name: string } | { type: “UPLOAD”, file: File, id: string, name: string, bucketId: string } & FileUploadConfig | { type: “UPLOAD_PROGRESS”, progress: number, loaded: number, additions: number } | { type: “UPLOAD_DONE”, id: string, bucketId: string } | { type: “UPLOAD_ERROR”, error: StorageErrorPayload } | { type: “CANCEL” } | { type: “DESTROY” }, { value: any, context: FileUploadContext }, ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: “ADD”, file: File, id: string, bucketId: string, name: string } | { type: “UPLOAD”, file: File, id: string, name: string, bucketId: string } & FileUploadConfig | { type: “UPLOAD_PROGRESS”, progress: number, loaded: number, additions: number } | { type: “UPLOAD_DONE”, id: string, bucketId: string } | { type: “UPLOAD_ERROR”, error: StorageErrorPayload } | { type: “CANCEL” } | { type: “DESTROY” }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>>

The list of file uploads. The properties can be accessed through item.getSnapshot() of with the useFileUploadItem hook.

isError required boolean

Returns true when all upload request are processed, but at least one of them has failed.

errors required Array<ActorRefWithDeprecatedState<FileUploadContext, { type: “ADD”, file: File, id: string, bucketId: string, name: string } | { type: “UPLOAD”, file: File, id: string, name: string, bucketId: string } & FileUploadConfig | { type: “UPLOAD_PROGRESS”, progress: number, loaded: number, additions: number } | { type: “UPLOAD_DONE”, id: string, bucketId: string } | { type: “UPLOAD_ERROR”, error: StorageErrorPayload } | { type: “CANCEL” } | { type: “DESTROY” }, { value: any, context: FileUploadContext }, ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: “ADD”, file: File, id: string, bucketId: string, name: string } | { type: “UPLOAD”, file: File, id: string, name: string, bucketId: string } & FileUploadConfig | { type: “UPLOAD_PROGRESS”, progress: number, loaded: number, additions: number } | { type: “UPLOAD_DONE”, id: string, bucketId: string } | { type: “UPLOAD_ERROR”, error: StorageErrorPayload } | { type: “CANCEL” } | { type: “DESTROY” }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>>

Returns the list of file uploads that have failed

isUploaded required boolean

Returns true when all the files have been successfully uploaded.

add required (params: Required<Pick<UploadMultipleFilesActionParams, “files”>> & UploadMultipleFilesActionParams) => void

upload required (params: UploadMultipleFilesActionParams) => Promise<MultipleFilesHandlerResult>

cancel required () => void

clear required () => void