Creates a client for Functions from either a subdomain or a URL


params required NhostClientConstructorParams

params.adminSecretstringWhen set, the admin secret is sent as a header, x-hasura-admin-secret, for all requests to GraphQL, Storage, and Serverless Functions.
params.regionstringProject region (e.g. eu-central-1) Project region is not required during local development (when subdomain is localhost)
params.subdomainstringProject subdomain (e.g. ieingiwnginwnfnegqwvdqwdwq) Use localhost during local development
params.devToolsbooleanActivate devTools e.g. the ability to connect to the xstate inspector
params.autoSignInbooleanWhen set to true, will parse the url on startup to check if it contains a refresh token to start the session with
params.autoRefreshTokenbooleanWhen set to true, will automatically refresh token before it expires
params.clientStorageClientStorageObject where the refresh token will be persisted and read locally.
params.clientStorageTypeClientStorageTypeDefine a way to get information about the refresh token and its exipration date.
params.refreshIntervalTimenumberTime interval until token refreshes, in seconds