Use the useSignInEmailOTP composable to sign in a user with a one-time password sent via email.


  1. Call the signInEmailOTP function with the user’s email to send a one-time password (OTP) to that email address.
  2. The state needsOtp will be true, indicating that an OTP is required.
  3. Once the user receives the OTP via email, call the verifyEmailOTP function with the email and the received OTP.
  4. On successful verification, the user is authenticated, and isSuccess becomes true.

Any errors during the sign-in or verification process are tracked using isError and error. While the signInEmailOTP and verifyEmailOTP actions are in progress, isLoading is true.


const { signInEmailOTP, verifyEmailOTP, error } = useSignInEmailOTP()

const requestOtp = async (e: Event) => {
  await signInEmailOTP(email.value)

const confirmOtp = async (e: Event) => {
  await verifyEmailOTP(email.value, otp.value)


options optional NestedRefOfValue<undefined | EmailOTPOptions>